Major Accomplishment
Yesterday I had 6 dozen cookies sitting on my counter all day, because I was in charge of the refreshments for the Visiting Teaching Interviews last night and buying cookies was the easiest way to do that. They weren't stupid cookies either, they were bakery cookies. The kind I could eat a dozen of without even trying. Then I went to the Visiting Teaching Interviews and I was sort of the welcome girl, so I sat with the cookies and chatted with people. I watched people eat them, and smelled them for more than 2 hours. I was surprised at how many people didn't eat a cookie. Until a few weeks ago that never would have crossed my mind. "Only one" might have crossed it but "No thanks" was unheard of. I was one of those people that didn't eat a cookie.
Way to go Talyn! I don't think I could have been so strong-willed. In fact I am now looking forward to my VT interview on Sunday! I also was wondering what your plan is from your recnt post about goals and having someone really interested in your success...
Amy J.
Yesterday you thought more of your own worth than you did the value of a cookie. I want to support you with Positive Reinforcement. Good Job, well done, that is great, keep up the good work! Cookies can be replaced with a crisp apple or a sweet banana. Keep up the good work you are of great valuable!
Way to go on not eating a cookie the whole time. Its easy for those of us who were only there for 5 minutes but to be with them all night, way to go.
BTW how was volleyball?
A big congrat, Talyn! This is like my walking up the stairs to the 4th floor at work regularly versus taking the elevator. I always feel good when I do that - or when I decline having a doughnut (again at work, where patients' families are so very 'kind' bringing 'goodies' to us.
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