Don't get too jealous parents out there, but when Alena wakes up in the morning, she's in the habit of coming into our room and sitting quietly in a corner until either Reasor or I wake up. If it's Reasor she runs to his room to play with him. If it's me, she excitedly tells me she's going to her room to get dressed. Today Reasor was up first. She was playing with him when I got up and headed over to my closet to get dressed. She heard me and ran in. When she saw me she stopped, put her hands behind her back, cocked her head and said, "Happy birthday, Mommy." I think it was my favorite birthday greeting ever.
My mom tells the story of her best birthday ever being when we girls made a bunch of junk (my word, not hers) out of paper for her. It was her best because we had made a big deal out of it. Today I'm starting to understand how exciting it can be when your child makes a deal out of your birthday. It's already been more exciting than last year when I had the biggest party of my life just by having my three-year-old tell me happy birthday. (This in no way discounts all of you wonderful people who made my birthday fabulous last year, you just have a major disadvantage. You're not my three-year-old daughter.)
Oh! By the way my daughter turned three. Just because I didn't blog it doesn't mean it didn't happen. This blog isn't even my family journal so I don't have any guilt issues about not blogging it. However, I'll throw in a few pictures, because she looked cuter at her birthday events than I will at mine.

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