Kevin loves taking pictures of food. I think it might be his second favorite part of dinner. (He's not crazy. His favorite part is eating it probably.) I bet if he had more time to cook he'd be keeping one of those food blogs I love reading. Instead,
I have more time to cook. I spend a whole lot more time reading those food blogs than writing one though. However, I've been particularly happy with some of my dinners as of late.
When I was a kid I used to think one of my interests was cooking. I would even write that as an "interest" on the questionnaires teachers make you fill out the first day of school. Truthfully though, I'm not interested in cooking. I'm interested in eating, particularly baked goods. Because I'm so interested in eating baked goods, I have come to know a bit about making them. I made a pretty darn good cake last weekend, if I do say so myself. My motivation? I wanted to eat a pretty darn good cake. I ended up having to share it, not because I like that sort of thing, but so that I don't end up "big as a house". I guess I might have liked sharing a picture of it and a recipe on a food blog. Too bad I already finished it off.
The main factor that precludes me from being a food blogger is that I have yet to gain a testimony of the importance of the appearance of the food. I don't care enough what it looks like to spend time on that. These days I've had to overcome that to some extent, because Kevin just might take a picture of it.
Put all that together (Desire to eat, desire not to be "big as a house", desire to make something at least nominally picture-worthy, and desire to validate my reading of food blogs) and you end up with a really yummy dinner occasionally. One yummy enough to take a picture of. Luckily, I don't have to spend all the time writing the recipes up here because we've got a recipe section on our website. I did want to draw your attention to some of the things that are/will be up there. Kevin took a great picture of "bacon wrapped barbecue shrimp" and I did a pretty good job making it picture worthy I think. I tweaked a recipe for a butternut squash dish from my favorite food blog ( I didn't tweak it to make it better. I tweaked it, because, as usual, I didn't have all of the ingredients. It wasn't nearly as picture worthy as the one Orangette made, but it sure was tasty (not to mention good for me). I also invented a walnut-peach monkey bread in another attempt to figure out the secret family recipe my roommate used to make and use the peaches in my fruit drawer.
There you have it. I've been cooking. That's why my shower's not clean.

Labels: Food